Thursday, October 29, 2009

Departure Day (Arrrgh!)

I must admit that I am feeling a little queasy to say the least! After sitting in a room for the morning really not taking anything in. That was after the added stress of having weight limits close to the maximum allowed also in the back of the mind (30kg on the boat, 10 of which are in a pelican case and laptop)!

Anyway it is off to a good greasy BBQ before setting sail. Just the type of food to settle the stomach!


  1. hello darling, its george here at evies with liz and louise and we've juast gorged ourselves on cheese and yummy foor from this new deli at Milner Meats. its so good!!!
    evie just tried to send you a comment but it didnt work for some reason so this is sort of a test.

    how are you going so far on the boat journey? seasick? i hope not. Lots of blue i imagine.
    went for mt bike ride this morning with juxxy, clarke, suse and elise. it was awesome to be on the bike again.

    wont crap on as not sure if this'll work.

    love you, george and bubba xxxx

  2. Sunds great and works a treat! Have just got off the phone to you so very relieved to be here and a little tired strangly after riding the quad all day yesterday. Now 5:25pm here and have not really done anything as yet as we lie in wait for the winds to die!
