Monday, October 12, 2009

Weekend in Launceston with Simon, Rails and Stanley

After the hectic week in Freycinet I thought a restfull weekend was in order so hitched a ride in the back of an Abulance and found myself on the doorstep of some great friends in Launceston. Great food and conversation was mixed with a speed ascent of Cradle Mtn, Climbing in Cataract Gorge, watch kyaks float upside down through rapids and walks wit the ever alert Stanley (a Border Collie and family member for Rails and Simon). It was great to catch up and was thouroughly shattered upon arrival back in Hobart after 10pm on Sunday.

There was a significant amount of snow on Cradle Mounain which was a dampening experience as it soaked down into our boots. Many of the snow slope were rather steep and the photo of me haming it up just looks uncoordinated anyway loads of fun, sweat and sunscreen stung eyes.

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