Sunday, December 20, 2009

Marine Plain Apples and Melon for Lunch!

This is what the Apples and Melon look like at Marine Plain!

It may have been the only time that I will get out to the Apples that were originally put in for science research in the area. Marine Plain is a large Antarctic Specially Protected Area (ASPA) just south of it; this is due to the fact that there have been a number of sightings of fossilised dolphins. Not special in itself but they are dated before the time lines have placed dolphins and are extremely well preserved as they have appeared to die in the water and fall to the bottom being covered over by the sediments and etched into history. Unfortunately that means that you need a permit to go in there so it was not to be today. The Apples have been in for a number of years and have just hung around as they provide something good to head for and have their own little bit of history.

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