Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Another Day of Pirates on the High Seas

Perhaps one of the funniest things that I have seen so far happened today! A penguin jumped in the other boat while we were sitting next to it. The poor little Adele had his first shot at it and failed miserably as he bounced off the rubber boat as if it were a jumping castle. Undeterred he had another go with a bigger run up and cleared the side of the boat landing in the lap of the passenger. Both of the people in the boat had very little idea of what was going on so it was a great surprise when they realised what it was. I believe that shit scared was the initial reaction and leopard seal is the first thing the dive crew think. Adele is funny though. Initially it was very short of breath and a little terrified as were the crew. However, it squawked about and had a bit of a look around the boat before getting up onto the side of the boat and walking to the front before jumping off. Loads of laughter and a few photos to boot!

Here are some of the fish and yes they do look a little like flathead but I am told they are Antarctic Cod. Apparently they flap around for about five minutes after they have their heads chopped off as they have very slow systems due to the cold. Did I mention that the water down here could be colder than Hugh Gorge?

The Starfish of the day. What a whopper!

Cirrostratus clould is very common down here but it does not usually mean much. I do like how it looks i the sky though.

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