Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Scatman and Poo Collecting!

 Armed with some collection tubes and a spoon each I was off to scrape up the freshest poo I could get our spoons into without causing too much distress to the colony. I think that many of the birds have already departed and headed for the sea to fish and feed and fatten themselves up for the winter. They are still funny chasing around their parents and generally standing about making noise. I was even attacked by one savage little beast who nearly pecked a hole right through my Sorrell boot! Nah, not really but he was very inquisitive and I did think about picking him up and just squeezing the shit out of him into the sample jar but I checked myself as I thought that this may go against working with penguin protocol. Scats scrapped and it was off to Warriner Island for the same process and then onto a colony 2.5kms west from Bandits Hut as the wind was picking up!
Here is the little blighter that tried to attack me and then followed me around, that grey thing is my knee! Below just hanging out with the chicks who have not yet finished their malting. It was only a couple of weeks ago that they were little black downy balls of fluff!
 Here is the scat man getting stuck into a whopper of a Weddell Poo! Mmmmm doesn't it make you hungry? Straight off to dinner after this!

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