‘Rock Star’ for a Day! In the Helicopter by 08:10 and off for a half day whirlwind walk and sampling tour from Crooked Lake Apple to Watt’s Hut via every lake and piece of moss we could find. I say ‘Rock Star’ as that is a little like how I would imagine it to feel for the best of the best having helicopters on standby waiting for the call to extract the ‘Rock Stars’ from one place to another over and over. Above is that a Rock Star or Conan the Barbarian? Below some funky Lichen that was sampled.
More Funky Lichen and below is some of the Moss. Unfortunately there are not many actual Rock Star photo's as I was busy being the Star!

‘Rock Star’ back on centre stage as the chopper came in for our extraction again under full power heightening general anxiety of the scientists but getting them on board safely with all of our kit! On the way back the pilot took us over another sight that was something he had a question about as it was a lake that was literally red in colour. Possibly from the algae but we seized the opportunity to get a couple of samples whilst out under the spinning blades! Keeping scientists out of harm’s way while under spinning helicopter blades can be likened to herding chickens. They don’t always do what you think is safe, or realise that they make the pilot very nervous near the back of the helicopter! Anyway samples and scientists on board and off to Davis again touching down at 13:45 under full power before the helicopter took off again with its next load of passengers. More chicken herding and back to safety feeling a little high strung and not exactly in a relaxed teaching frame for SAR training of mechanical advantages and hauling!

Still winding down after a big day on the stage with true ‘Rock Star’ status gained (please note that this status is self appointed and only to be used in the context of making a good story). A very successful day on the whole, completing a fast and furious science sampling program before the arrival of the boat on Voyage Three.