This was based out at Platcha for the day and we took six of the winterer’s who are the most likely to be involved in the extraction of injured people. Naturally it was a fly in and out day to maximise the training achieved. Platcha is right on the edge of the plateau and a perfect base from which to train. Steep ice walls, wind scours and ice cliffs although we would not dream of climbing those!
Below you can see the SAR Team resting after stressfull moments in boot chains!
The day aimed to;
• Teach the construction of snow and ice anchors including snow stakes, ice screws and dead-men.
• Linking these together so that they are all equalised to form a system of protection from which to lower and raise each other and victims.
• Use these systems to practice steeper/ slope ice travel techniques while on top-ropes.
• Use a variety of footwear and traction devices.
• Self arrest techniques and not dying!
Packing up at the end of the day.