Good Fun was had by all with only a small amount of damage caused to the front wheel of a quad. The benefit of doing a course with the mechanics, diesel gurus and fella's that all live with quads is that a star picket and some fencing wire can quickly remedy most large scale damage due to being a little keen. And you simply just role them to where you want them and stand back for the masters to do their best.

Next on the list was off to the Helicopter Resources Training where we found ourselves running through the helicopter roping sessions so that they can take us and our gear out into the field. Just to let you know it is not the most comfortable feeling as a helicopter almost lands on you while you hook up a couple of 44gallon drums and make sure that you do not put the sling over a ski as it could result in 'dynamic rollover' (that one is for you ARDA) and a helicopter parking on top of you upside down very quickly.
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