A shadow as fast as a speeding bullet gave me a bit of a fright to the point where I went into the duck and cover mode. Why is it so? Well I was heading towards a small fresh water pool of water where there were several Skua’s bathing themselves. They are really ugly birds and think that they are at the top of the food chain as there is nothing that eats them. I guess they are right with no predators! Swoosoohhhh, there goes another I was under attack so instinctively went for the camera first. After taking a few shots of the over confident birds swooping at me I went for the next move. A rock opening return fire (that was just the internal thoughts I did not actually take to trying to harm the scavengers of the Antarctic).
Skua just taking flight
Elephant Seal catching some rays.Moving onto the wallow I found that the seals had actually moved around a little which involves a hugemongous amount of effort on their parts. Getting their big bluberous bodies about is quite a sight! Slightly grossed out and satisfied with a few photos I moved on back towards the station but not via Skuaville.
On the way back I stopped in at the resident Emperors who are well into their malting at the moment and look rather funny with big patches of feathers missing. They appear to be very irritable and look like they have been sleeping in the gutters after a few big nights. The big patches of malt look like something has taken some bites out of them in a few places and then stripped all the meat of their streamlined flippers. They are likely to be around for a bit longer at this rate and based on the nuclear green poo around the place they are rather hungry to boot! So much to see before lunch!
Looks itchy doesn't it?
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