The silver pole is not for pole dancing but is a Daviid arm! The other thing is a little like a rabbit trap when it is set but it snaps shut when it hits the bottom. Ideally it gets sediments off the bottom without getting wet!
Back to the boats, there were just four of us going out to do some sediment sampling which as it suggests is getting some sediment off the bottom to see what is there. Not a very glorious or sexy (sexy science are things like tagging seals or weighing penguins full of glory and danger) piece of science but far better than the shed. Two boats have to go out each time so Mike and I were boat hands to help with the Daviid arm which is just a bent pole stuck in the boat that helps to get samples up and out of the water. There is a bit more to it but the rest of the scientists were cutting up sea urchins again so were unable to go out for the afternoon. We were able to get a few funky worm like thingy’s out of the sediment and the description of what they could do was far scarier than the sight of the 10 cm worms! The best finds for the day were some big fat juicy sea cucumbers that were bigger than tennis balls and were caught with the anchor. This is not the preferred way of catching them but they just came up on a large piece of kelp when the anchor was pulled from the bottom. An opportunistic find so in the bucket they went!
There is the fatest and juciest sea cucumber I have ever seen!
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